A wicker goat, but is it the goat or the wicker which has captured my attention? It's the wicker, the twigs and branches, not so much the bits of string, they had gone in my mind. I'm surprised they are so prominent now that I see the picture again. So it definitely is the wicker. Ireland has a strong tradition in wicker and it brings back a memory from my time in Ireland. I once went to a story telling performance in the National Museum Collins Barracks to see the Armagh Rhymers, they were dressed up and wore wicker masks.
The masked tradition of "mumming" is said to date back 2500 years. In the ancient annals of Ulster (now more or less Northern Ireland), men in tall conical masks are mentioned as chief entertainers to King Conor, who lived at the royal fort of Emain Macha. This performance was part of a series of several performances to celebrate Scéalta Shamhna, the time for stories.......
Now wait and see if this has helped me along or only confused me more...to be continued.
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